Essentials of Information Technology

Below is the syllabus for Essentials of Information Technology:-


Unit I:

Problem-Solving Techniques: Introduction to problem-solving, Computational problem and its classification – Logic and its types, Introduction to algorithms and flowchart, Searching algorithms: linear search, binary search, and sorting algorithms: insertion, quick, merge and selection sort, Introduction, and classification to Data Structures, Basic Data Structures: array, stack, and queue.


Unit II:

Programming Basics: Identifiers, variables, data types, operators, control structures, type conversion, casting, arrays, strings

Object-Oriented Concepts fundamentals: class & object, instance variables & methods, access specifiers, reference variables, parameter passing techniques, constructors, this reference, static, and command-line arguments

Introduction to UML: Use case diagrams – Class diagrams


Unit III:

Relationships: aggregation, association, Inheritance, types of inheritance, Static Polymorphism: method overloading, constructor overloading, Dynamic polymorphism: method overriding, abstract, interface, introduction to packages Industry Coding Standards and Best Practices, code tuning & optimization, clean code & refactoring

Focus Area 2: Relational Database Management System


Unit IV:

RDBMS- data processing, the database technology, data models, ER modeling concept, notations, converting ER diagram into a relational schema, Logical database design, normalization (1NF, 2NF, and 3NF)

SQL: DDL statements, DML statements, DCL statements, Joins, Subqueries, Views, Database design Issues, SQL fine-tuning


Books on Java

  1. Java™: The Complete Reference, Seventh Edition. Herbert Schildt
  2.  Programming with Java 3e A Primer  by E Balagurusamy
  3. Introduction to Java Programming  by K. Somasundaram, Jaico Publishing House; 1 edition


Books on RDBMS, Oracle, MYSQL

  1. Fundamentals of Database Systems, with E-book (3rd Edition) by Shamkant B. Navathe, Ramez Elmasri, Published January 15th, 2002 by Addison Wesley Longman
  2. MySQL by Paul DuBoisNew Riders Publishing
  3. Murach’s MySQL Paperback – 2012, by Joel Murach , Publisher: Shroff/Murach (2012)
  4. SQL: The Complete Reference by James R. Groff, Paul N. Weinberg, Published March 1999 by McGraw-Hill Companies
  5. Schaum’s Outline of Fundamentals of Relational Databases by Ramon Mata-Toledo, Published November 15th, 2000 by McGraw-Hill

Below is the link to download Essentials of Information Technology notes.

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