Mobile Computing

Below is the syllabus for Mobile Computing:-



Introduction, issues in mobile computing, an overview of wireless telephony: cellular concept, Mobile computing Architecture, Design considerations for mobile computing, Mobile Computing through Internet, Making existing applications mobile-enabled. GSM: air-interface, channel structure, location management: HLR-VLR, hierarchical, handoffs, channel allocation in Cellular systems, WCDMA, GPRS 3G, 4G.



Wireless Networking, Wireless LAN Overview: MAC issues, IEEE 802.11, Blue Tooth, Wireless multiple access protocols, TCP over wireless, Wireless applications, data broadcasting, Mobile IP, WAP: Architecture, Traditional TCP, Classical TCP, improvements in WAP, WAP  applications.



Data management issues, data replication for mobile computers, adaptive clustering for mobile wireless networks, File system, Disconnected operations Mobile Agents computing, security and fault tolerance, transaction processing in a mobile computing environment.

Cloud Architecture model, Types of Clouds: Public-Private & Hybrid Clouds, Resource management and scheduling, Clustering, Data Processing in Cloud: Introduction to Map Reduce for Simplified data processing on large clusters.



Ad hoc networks, localization, MAC issues, Routing protocols, global state routing (GSR), Destination sequenced distance vector routing (DSDV), Dynamic source routing (DSR), Ad Hoc on-demand distance vector routing (AODV), Temporary ordered routing algorithm (TORA), QoS in Ad Hoc Networks, applications.


Text Books:

  1. Rajkamal, Mobile Computing, 2/E Oxford University Press,2011.
  2. J. Schiller, Mobile Communications, Addison Wesley
  3. Yi Bing Lin, Wireless and Mobile Networks Architecture, John Wiley.


Reference Books

  1. A. Mehrotra, GSM System Engineering.
  2. M. V. D. Heijden, M. Taylor, Understanding WAP, Artech House.
  3. Charles Perkins, Mobile IP, Addison Wesley.
  4. Charles Perkins, Ad hoc Networks, Addison Wesley.

Judith Hurwitz, Robin Bllor, Marcia Kaufmann, Fern Halper, Cloud Computing for Dummies, 2009.


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